Amber 0160 99119918

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Amber is a fossil resin that has been produced by trees that lived a million years ago.  
It can be found in different regions of the earth, e.g. Borneo, Mexico, Dominican Republic, etc.
The best known type of amber is the 40-50 million year old Baltic amber (Succinite) which forms from the resin of the amber pine tree and is mainly found on the coasts of the North and Baltic Sea.
The colour palette of the amber ranges from white, yellow, red, bright brown and deep brown, green, blue, to grey and black.
Amber is available in transparent or opaque.  Transparent amber often contains inclusions from animals or plants which adds character and charm to the stone.
Amber is flammable and, after vigorous rubbing, it exudes an aromatic odour and also becomes statically charged to the extent that it attracts tiny pieces of paper.
Amber has been processed and used for trading since the Stone Age.
To date amber is still used for making jewellery, art and cultural objects, and is also used as a medical remedy.

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